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About Rodney Jackson

The Multi-Million Dollar Real Estate Agent & Coach

With over 42 years of experience in the real estate market, I specialize in selling homes in all price ranges and teaching emerging agents how to scale to one million in annual income. 

Since September 2021, Rodney has closed 104 transactions, with a total production value of $55M and a median price of $501k

More About Rodney

I started in 1981 by buying my first home when I was 21. By the time I was 23, I owned 12 rental units. I was enjoying real estate investing as a hobby so much that I decided to take a leap of faith, get my license, and leave my regular job in pursuit of a career in real estate. The road wasn't as smooth as I thought it would be.


First, it took me four times to pass the Wisconsin State Brokers exam. Once I had passed the state exam, I joined a small firm where I struggled for months. Back then, coaching platforms took more work to come by. After a few months of going nowhere at that firm, I switched firms and went to a Century 21 office where they had some excellent but fundamental training. There, I saw some success. I also met someone who would take me under their wings, and after two years of being at that firm, we decided to strike out on our own and open the first African American-owned Century 21 franchise in Wisconsin.


Since then, I have seen every type of market condition possible. A market where interest rates hit 17% and could still sell real estate. I bought a 4-unit building myself at 15% because it could still flow cash. I've sold in markets where home prices had skyrocketed only to later watch the market crash with home prices dropping drastically, leaving many upside down on the loan amounts. 


When the crash happened, I re-invented my business by getting a mortgage broker's license and, in conjunction with my real estate broker's license, marketed my business as the expert in getting sellers out of the financial mess they were in because they could not sell their homes for more than what they owed. I had to use my negotiation skills to be the liaison between the seller, buyer, and bank, with these deals taking two years or more to close. And because I had those two licenses, I was getting paid twice for each home I sold.


I received one commission check for being a mortgage broker and getting paid for negotiating the deal and the other check from the commission for selling the house. I got paid more for the negotiations than the commission for selling the home. I have sold homes in the dead of winter in the Midwest to the extreme heat of Phoenix. But the one thing that has been of the most value to me, no matter the market, has been having a coach. 


I used to wonder what magic these top producers knew that created so much business for them. I'd watch them, talk to them, and realize there is no magic or hocus pocus. It was that they had a coach—a coach who could get them where they wanted to go. So, years ago, I hired my first coach, and within months, my production started to grow noticeably. By then, I had left the Midwest, moved to Dallas, and had minimal income.


During my first full year in business, I sold 48  incredible homes. Anyone in real estate knows that selling this many homes in their first full year in business is an excellent achievement. The overwhelming majority of veteran agents sell only a few. And as another factual point, statistics tell us that only 5% of agents will be productive after five years. Why? No coach! I have continued to coach myself in some form or fashion ever since then.


Today, through consistent target marketing, prospecting, sponsorships, giving back, etc. I earn more than $1,000,000 annually. And it's not because I sell multi-million dollar homes. I can show you the systems you need, the tools you need, and the focus you need because I'm the coach you need!

Make $$ With Me

If you are looking to make a name for yourself in the real estate industry and achieve financial success, then working with me is the right choice. With my years of experience and expertise in the field, I can guide you towards your first million and beyond.


By choosing to work with me, you have the option to either enroll in my comprehensive coaching program or work with me one-on-one. Both of these options are designed to provide you with the knowledge, tools, and resources you need to succeed in the competitive world of real estate.

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